Forward currency trade - FX forward

Protect yourself from adverse exchange rate movement

  • Lock in the exchange rate at which you will buy and sell currency on a future date
  • Lock in stable cash inflows and outflows
  • Ensure more secure planning of financial results

Advantages of forward FX trade

  1. Hedge against FX risk - agree on the exchange rate in advance
  2. Lock in stable and predictable cash flows because future payments and inflows in RSD terms based on import-export operations are known in advance
  3. Avoid a potential loss which may occur due to adverse exchange rate movement

What is an FX forward?

An FX forward is an FX trade on an agreed future date at a previously agreed and fixed exchange rate.

The exchange (incoming payment/outgoing payment) of RSD and foreign currency is executed in the future on the previously agreed date.

The exchange rate at which FX trade is executed is called a forward rate.


In order to enter into the transaction, it is necessary to:

Open an account with Erste Bank

Enter into a Framework Agreement

Complete a Client Categorisation Questionnaire

Be approved a limit (amount and period)

Risks associated with this financial instrument

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